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Tattoo Pictures

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Haiti Tattoos

Haiti Tattoos
Haiti Tattoos
Haiti Tattoos
Haiti Tattoos

Celtic Tattoo Designs

Let Your Skin Tell Something About History Celtic Tattoo Designs .

For Christians the cross is the original symbol for the love of God to mankind. But apart from that, many people believe that the cross represents the four elements, including fire, earth, water and air. These days, the crosses are used in fashion through the tattoo. And in between tattoos, Celtic tattoo designs are said to be the most popular designs. Whether you're a solid Christian or not, Celtic tattoo designs are great choices to express themselves.

Cross tattoos

Are you sure that the cross was first made by the circle? Believe it Celtic Tattoo Designsor not, the cross is one of the old symbols are made by children from different cultures. As years turned into decades and the decades turned into centuries, the symbol of the cross on to the era of Celtic and Germanic cultures fall in Europe. And like other symbols used from this period, the Celtic cross is now present in the modern era through the Celtic tattoo designs.

Basically, Celtic cross consists of a cross and circle. And for Christians, the Celtic tattoo designs symbolizes the cycle of death. If going by the Bible, Jesus died from the cross and after a few days, he rose from the dead. Christians believe that Jesus Christ Celtic Tattoo Designswas there again and again.

Celtic designs to choose from

Celtic tattoo designs consist of nodes work from beginning to end. In some cases, there are similar design puzzles and mazes. While on the other hand, the design consists of complex lines and curves. These include butterflies, flowers, thorns, wine and so on. There is also a design consisting of a beautiful spiral pattern and represent important things in life such as death, rebirth and death.

Celtic Tattoo DesignsWhen it comes to color, the artist used black and gray to create a Celtic tattoo designs. However, the entry of other colors are also welcomed. To cross, gold and green are common colors used. And the tree of life to design, green and black are always combined. Although not all people have the ability to make a Celtic tattoo designs, there are free to get his design. Choosing a good artist is something that you should consider when planning a tattoo. In this way, you can ensure safe and clean tattoo. You must understand that tattoos are forever. By Joanne R. Graham

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Skull Tattoo Designs

How to Make a Unique Skull Tattoo Designs.

There is literally an unlimited number of skull tattoo designs out there, but one of the coolest but is rarely seen that the skull tattoo designs. The reason we like this tattoo so much is because you can take them and make them mean so many different things and no matter what you do to them, they will always be cool. In this article you will learn how to design the perfect skull tattoo designs for yourself.

1 - Location tattoo

One of the first things you should think about when getting a tattoo is where you would put it. With the Skulls, you can put them anywhere and they'll look cool, but actuallySkull Tattoo Designs this kind of tattoos always look better on people who come back or the back of their calves. Do not get me wrong though, just about anywhere will work

2 - Select Color

Let's think about this for a second, when was the last time you saw someone get a skull tattoo designs and they really added color? Probably never right? When most people get one tattoo, they always make them in black and white. Adding your favorite color is one of the best ways to personalize them.

Skull Tattoo Designs3 - actual design

There's nothing wrong with the desire to get only the skull, but many people want to spice it a bit and add to the skull tattoo designs. If you want to add to the skull, one of the best ways to do this is to have fire coming out of it or maybe have a few snakes out of the eye. By David Wesenburg.

Skull Tattoo Designs

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Maori Tattoo Designs

If you've seen typical Maori tattoo designs , you already know how beautiful and dramatic that they are. Maori tattoo designs striking, but that is not always easy to understand. Is this permanent signs mean, and how they are interpreted? If you want to know about the design of this type, there are some facts that can help you get started.

Maori tattoo designs are quite different, and they come from the Maori people in New Zealand, where tattooing is considered a sacred art. In this case a different type of tattoo, you'll find that you'll see a lot of curved shapes and spirals in accordance with the complex and recognizable pattern.

You will find that while the smaller spiral may be dominating the design, you can often step back and see them form a Maori Tattoo Designslarger pattern in general. Maori tattoo designs are often covered his face, though they can be seen in every part of the body.

Legends about how the tattoo came to Maori concerns the relationship of love between a boy and a princess of the underworld, named Niwareka. After they married, the young man beat his wife, and she went, going back to the bottom. The young man suffered to find the daughter again and to apologize, but when he arrived in the kingdom of his father, his face dirty and stained. Niwareka family fun of him because of his appearance, but he insisted, begged his wife to return with him, and when he agreed, he was given the art of tattoo to take back with him.

Traditional Maori tattoo designs that you can see are often very complex, highly planned out the works that will bring a person's face structure and personality into account. In Maori society, tattoos are considered as a passport; for men, it will give testimony to their rank, their ability in combat-related physical and that they were detained.

Maori Tattoo DesignsThis way, each person can be given the right treatment, and treat someone who tattooed in a way incompatible with their status, then the grave insult can be taken. Maori women are not as extensively tattooed as boys, although they may often evidence of a tattoo on their chin, or under the lower lip.

A city located in the center shows a forehead tattoo rank, while the status of their birth would tattoo on their jaws. Their position can be tattooed around his brow, while the temple area is for the state of their marriage. On either side of the face, a man's descent was written, with the left side generally be for the father, while the right side is for the mother's family.

Maori tattoo designs are interesting traditions, and there are lots of good information out there, so we'll see! By T Godfrey

Maori Tattoo Designs

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Japanese Tattoo Designs

Hot Sexy and Cute Japanese Tattoo Designs For Girls With Air of Mystery.

Japanese tattoo designs have been experiencing a real revival in recent years and with a beautiful design is easy to see why. The Japanese have been doing tattoos for thousands of years and they have developed some of the most beautiful tattoo designs and themes ever. If you're thinking about getting the Japanese tattoo designs for women then here are some ideas and guidelines that will assist you in making your decision.


Of course, the tattoo has long been a tradition in Japan. However, not until the last few years that the tattoo design in Japan and they really came into the reception. Back in the days of the Samurai's tattoos are used to mark criminals. This brand criminals continue to fall to the Yakuza (Japanese Gangs) chose to tattoo themselves as a sign of a chosen lifestyle. In recent years, although younger in Japan did Japanese Tattoo Designsnot get a tattoo even if they do not belong to Yakuza. Tattoos are kind of going through a kind of rebirth in Japan and they became more widely accepted as they have here in the United States.

Japanese Tattoo Designs For Women

Here are some of the top design that works very well for a woman's body. Of course, every design is open to get by every woman. Someone is free to choose the design they want and a woman can get a great samurai behind them if they want. However, below these themes tend to be favored by women.

Cherry Blossom Tattoos

Cherry blossoms are beautiful flowers that bloom of cherry trees are usually in April. Beautiful flowers has long been a passion for Japan in general. They are symbols of how fragile and beautiful life. Samurai would often write a poem about the Cherry Blossoms and they think of flowers as a brave and ready to die every minute. That is the way of the Samurai live their lives all the time. So the cherry blossom is a symbol of beauty first and foremost but also a symbol of life lived to the fullest each and every day.

Japanese Tattoo DesignsOriental Pinup Geisha

Other popular and traditional themes in Japanese tattoo designs is a Geisha. This woman is a prostitute or not a prostitute but a woman of culture and the visible improvement brought cultural traditions. They are often very beautiful and talented women they can sing, play traditional instruments, dancing and entertaining. Of course there is a ton of traditional wood carving featuring "floating world" in which the Samurai and Geisha will meet. Many of the wood carving and this theme has been done in tattoo designs. If you are looking for a strong female image, then you can always get the design of a samurai's wife who is traditionally trained in martial arts and is expected to defend their homes if necessary.

Koi Fish

Koi fish has long been a symbol of perseverance and spiritual struggle in all of Japan and China. The myth is that the koi fish swimming upstream to reach the weight of the gate where they then become a dragon fly and fly to the sky. This beautiful fish is considered fighters and individualist because they go against the flow of the river and they fought their way to the top. This is a powerful symbol and a very beautiful tattoo designs. With a golden orange and blue fish combined with the splash of water in the background is a very beautiful combination.

Japanese Tattoo Designs Finding a Design

If you are considering to get a traditional or even modern interpretation of Japanese tattoo designs for women, then you might want to consider one of the above. There are many other ways you can go with this design and just a few ideas to get your creative minds thinking.By Chris Ryerson

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Henna Tattoo Designs

Does getting henna tattoo designs on your list to do before you die? Intricate tattoo designs can lead to admiration or disgust, depending on one's looking. Either way, there is no denying that the tattoo is very tempting to pull one point in our lives.

Maybe get a needle in a way and the fact that it will become a permanent feature in our skin type to keep us from giving it away. Fortunately, you can still get the body repair work of art without having to sit through a needle teeth-gritting experience.

Henna tattoo designs has provided not-so-adventurous people the opportunity to still enjoy the moment without having to worry courage would be stuck with it forever. Henna tattoo designs can be passed as the real thing if youHenna Tattoo Designs follow the instructions carefully after application.

This can last for several days and if it fades you can always try other designs to decorate your body. There's never enough time to get bored and do not worry about getting under the needle. More importantly, you do not need to go to the shops to get a henna tattoo designs. You can do everything myself with the provisions of that part of your body you want to leave a design is within your reach.

As long as you get your supplies from dealers who have a good reputation there is no Henna Tattoo Designsreason why you should not try. You can always get away with your girlfriends tattoo designs that even under the watchful eyes of their professional would look real. Comes in black color so it should not limit its scope to the female population only.

Not all people who are afraid of getting a tattoo. Henna tattoo designs gives the little smelly, but you can always wipe your favorite scent on it and you're ready to show it off to everyone. By Alice Farrell

Henna Tattoo Designs

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Now the lower back tattoo designs almost no real choice since about one-fifth of women who have had a tattoo on the lower back tattoo designs. It's hard to see a young woman without lower back tattoo designs and has become very common that the derogatory term "Tramp Stamp" has occurred. This term is usually applied to young women low cut jeans and crop top showing generic tribal tattoo design.

It is easy to understand why they are so popular. There are several places in the body of a woman who can be regarded as sensual. Many consider the most sensitive areas to be neck and lower back. The ease that you can hide lower back tattoo designs has resulted in an increase in popularity and they have a seductive charm and sensual men. Unlike other areas of the body, your lower back tattoo designs isLower Back Tattoo Designs completely covered by a shirt. You can show the tattoo off when you want an ideal solution for those who may be preferred because a tattoo on the screen in the workplace.

There are a variety of lower back tattoo designs and styles. Some of the more popular of --

* Flower Designs is a popular first choice for women and especially in the lower back area.

* Dolphin Tattoos also looked good on the lower back and can be very funny. Another cute tattoos including a butterfly tattoo.

* Tribal Designs is the most common Lower Back Tattoo Designslower back tattoo designs that you see on women. The most popular tribal designs include Star, Sunday and Celtic styles. Many tribal design inspired by the styles of Polynesia.

* Dragon Designs is reserved for the more daring and always look fantastic.

If you decide on the lower back tattoo designs so make sure you follow this advice. You have to wear slacks to prevent unnecessary rubbing with a new tattoo during the healing process. Be sure to wear something loose when you visit a tattoo artist because it will make it easier to do the job.

This sounds obvious but the research you want to get a tattoo and if there is doubt in your mind Lower Back Tattoo Designsabout getting it then find another design that you really happy. Tattoo removal is expensive and painful. Do not get lower back tattoo designs for all of your friends have one or just because it is in fashion now.

When you finally decide on the lower back tattoo designs are sure that it is a unique expression of yourself and that you will be pleased with it for the rest of your life. By Scott T Hastings

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Flag Tattoo Gallery

Flag Tattoo Gallery
Flag Tattoo Gallery
Flag Tattoo Gallery
Flag Tattoo Gallery
Flag Tattoo Gallery

Japanese Flag Tattoo

Japanese Flag Tattoo
Japanese Flag Tattoo

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Design Your Own Tattoo

Now it seems, the only way to get a tattoo that is really good that you'll always love is to design your own tattoo online. Unlike in the nineties, tattoos are very popular now these days and seems more people are now into getting at least one tattoo on their body.

Like all things where there is high demand there is also a need for a high supply. In this case, the high demand for tattoos is directly proportional to the high demand for unique design your own tattoo. Most people want a tattoo that is different from other people, and the only way to truly do this is to design your own tattoo.

You may ask, if I really have to go through Design Your Own Tattooall the trouble of actually design your own tattoo. You can not walk into your local tattoo parlor and select from several tattoo designs you like? Well, of course you can do it, but do not be disappointed when you walk in the mall the next day and saw someone with the exact same tattoo as yours.

Yes, tattoo shops usually only have a small choice of design your own tattoo can choose from, but you should really not limit yourself to just this. Do not forget a tattoo is something that will stay in your body for the rest of your life, unless you want to shell out extra bucks to get it removed by laser treatment.

Okay then, so what can you do to increase the chances of having a unique tattoo on your body? You might find some tattoo Design Your Own Tattoodesigns that you like and then take small parts of each of them to make unique tattoo designs. Access to a large database of tattoo designs, will surely make it easier for you to come with your own cool tattoo idea.

Where you can get a big database of tattoos? Glad you asked, and thanks to high speed internet search on Google will reveal a number of online tattoo databases you can use in just a few minutes from now. I would stay away from free databases, if you are looking for a super unique tattoo.

Once you make a tattoo, the next thing is to make sure you get a good tattoist to replicate your design. You may want to shop at several places, observing tattoists in the workplace and then make decisions based on their work. By Munyaradzi Chinongoza

Design Your Own Tattoo

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Tribal Arm Tattoos

Look For Unique Tribal Arm Tattoos.

Tribal arm tattoos have become so many styles over the last few years because many people found the design online and bring them to their favorite tattoo artists. However, the sad part about this is that the same tattoo design has been colored to thousands of others as well. There is no uniqueness about them. If you're going to cost to get a tattoo anyway, do you want so unique and complicated that people stop you on the street to ask where you've done?

Tribal Arm TattoosUnfortunately, there are many low-quality tribal arm tattoos designs on the internet. It's easy to get stuck in a large gallery of photos and just choose the best you can find. However, they are usually not unique tattoo in any way.

The worst part about all this is that most of the low quality of this gallery really shows the photographs that were never meant to design a tattoo! They only stock art images that are not designed by a real tattoo artists. This is very important to use a template Tribal Arm Tattoosdesigned by tattoo artist who understands how the tattoo design will look at the actual arm.

Using tribal arm tattoos that have been professionally designed, you will be able to take the stencil directly to the tattoo artist to do so. In this way, you are sure that you are getting a tattoo would be exactly what you see online. You will be able to see through the picture gallery to see your choices side by side before you make a decision on which one will have a new home in your arms. After all, you will sport a new tattoo for a lifetime, so you might want to invest in the best! By Steve Murray

Tribal Arm Tattoos

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Japanese Body Art Tattoos

Japanese Tattoo Art

Tattoo Art

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Frog Tattoo 2

Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2

Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Frog Tattoo 2
Many of the native Americans consider the frog to be the 'Great Rain Maker'. With the last snowfall of spring the snowflakes touching the ground would turn into frogs announcing that the salmon would soon arrive. The frog tattoo is associated with water and the moon which is a symbol of fertility, prosperity and wealth for the coastal tribes in North America.